Local Activism Bulletin Board System (BBS)
The Local Activism BBS is an ultra-private, fully-vetted community of people collaborating on issues that are important to them.
To join Local Activism, register here.
About Registration
It's a bulletin board system. All members are vetted.
You will be asked to provide some contact information that will not be available to others on Local Activism unless you choose to make it available. Without the contact information, there is no way to vet members. If the issue involves a public agency, generally, officials or employees of the that agency will not be approved.
After registering, you will be contacted by the admin. Once approved, you will have access to the issue you have chosen. You'll be able to communicate with others involved in the same issue. Issues are added as interest grows. You can be approved for some issues and not others.
For those that don't feel comfortable signing up at Local Activism, Richard will be hosting several teleconferences between February 20 and March 15, 2022.
To get the teleconference schedule, text your full name and e-mail address to this phone. Begin the text with "VVS TC."
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